Why do I produce Phlegm after Eating?
Phlegm after eating is very annoying as it can make you nervous and uncomfortable.
You might at that black-tie dinner trying to make some new friends or at your first date trying to impress your potential love. But you end up with phlegm almost every time you eat which you want to spit out.
This gets very annoying. In a room full of people, you can neither spit nor swallow. Very embarrassing isn’t it?
Clearing throat after eating is the only thing on your mind at that moment. You just want to spit that excess mucus in throat or phlegm after eating.
So, what is phlegm and what causes phlegm?
What are the most common causes of Phlegm after eating?
Phlegm in throat is nothing but excess mucus from your respiratory tract or chest.
‘Phlegm after Eating’ is common in heavy smokers. This means smoking is definitely a major cause for phlegm in throat.
In addition to smoking, some viral infections or bacterial infections may also cause excess mucus in throat after eating.
You may feel very uncomfortable when you have phlegm in throat. Excess mucus in throat after eating can make you want to spit it out. You may want to be aware of this especially if you are a heavy smoker or have had any viral infection or bacterial infection recently.
You may want to figure out how to avoid phlegm after eating as it may not be easy to clear your throat after eating every time.
Phlegm medicine is one option that can prevent excess mucus in throat after eating.
When you are having mucus in throat frequently after eating, it is important that you get it investigated and treated by a doctor. A good doctor can do some tests and determine what causes allergy in you so you can avoid the allergens.
This may significantly help in preventing phlegm after eating.
What are other causes of Phlegm after Eating?
Some of the other causes for phlegm after eating are GERD, allergies, and side-effects due to medicines etc.
It is always wise to consult a doctor to understand the cause of your phlegm after eating. As practically there can be one of many reasons for phlegm after eating, a doctor is the right person to find the cause for your phlegm in throat and help you with treatment.
However, you may find the below useful in gaining a general understanding of phlegm after eating.
GERD or Acid Reflux
When food travels back up into esophagus after you swallow it down, acids from stomach also enter esophagus along with semi-digested food. This condition is called GERD, and can cause irritation in throat after you eat. Acid reflux is another name for GERD.
GERD normally results from the fact that your stomach muscles are not closing properly after you swallow food or they are re-opening. The acids and semi-digested food that re-enter your throat etc. may lead to coughing after eating and phlegm after eating.
Constant phlegm in throat is annoying. To avoid such discomfort due to GERD, the easiest thing to do is to avoid eating spicy and oily food. However, you may need a doctor’s help at some point for GERD treatment.
Certain allergies you may have can also cause phlegm after you eat. When you eat a food you are allergic to, you may end up with cough and congestion from food allergy.
When you come in contact with a foreign substance that you are allergic to, your body tries to protect you by rejecting or expelling the allergen. Your body usually does this by producing excess mucus to trap the allergen and cough to expel the allergen.
This is how allergy can cause phlegm after eating or makes you cough after you eat.
Allergies can cause serious disruptions in life if not treated. You may want to see a doctor if you have any allergy that bothers you with mucus or cough.
Side effects from medicines
Some medicines that are prescribed for controlling high blood pressure may sometimes cause phlegm after eating as a side effect. It is not a good idea to accept the side effects of medicines if they are bothering you too much.
If any blood pressure medicines that you use are causing you discomfort with phlegm after eating, you need to discuss with your doctor.
Your doctor can change the medicines you take to those that do not cause phlegm after you eat. Using a different medicine for blood pressure can minimize the side effects such as phlegm and cough.
Mucus from nose
In some cases, mucus released in nose enters into throat from the back of the throat. This may lead to coughing after eating or phlegm after eating.
If you think you have mucus from nose entering throat and causing you discomfort, you must consult a doctor to get it checked. Doctor can investigate why mucus is entering the throat from nose and then help you with a good medical advice.
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